Work priorities of the Ministry of the Interior for the year 2024
Work priorities of the Ministry of the Interior for the year 2023
Ministry’s work priorities of the Interior for 2022
Priorities of the work of the Ministry of the Interior for 2021
Executive Summary
With the missionto guarantee a safe environment for the development of the country and society through the strengthening of order and public security, the provision of quality services and the protection of the territory with professional structures and integrity that act in full compliance with the law and respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and in accordance with the Government’s political program, during 2021 the Ministry of the Interior will deepen the measures to guarantee increasingly high-quality services in the field of internal affairs, to serve the public interest with dedication and professionalism and to fulfill the country’s regional and international commitments.
The structures of the Ministry of the Interior, within their areas of responsibility, will be prioritized in full readiness for any situation related to the life and health of citizens, such as the COVID- 19 or civil emergency.
In a year of parliamentary elections, the responsible structures of the Ministry of the Interior, during the first four months of the year, will be engaged, in full compliance with their powers and legal obligations, to enable and guarantee free and fair elections, as far as it is in their area of responsibility.
As the field of activity of the Ministry of the Interior is wide and diverse, the goal of the Ministry of the Interior this year is a comprehensive approach to internal affairs, with more coordination and commitments of commonalities between dependency structures.
The new keyword in internal affairs will be innovation and technology. The Ministry of the Interior aims to create a culture for innovation within the structures, supported by technological work tools, with the aim of providing ever more “smart” services, including public security, thus enabling a more balanced good between the latter and respect for freedoms and human rights.
The Ministry of the Interior for 2021 has an ambitious analytical plan, with packages of acts that will complete the reform framework of laws for the Police Supervision Agency, the law for the Guard, the law for Foreigners, the law for Weapons, the law on Citizenship, the law on Asylum, etc., as well as a new reform framework for the Scientific Police Institute, the Civil Status and the Address System.
Certainly, this year too, the uncompromising crackdown and punishment of criminal groups and organizations will continue and every asset, movable and immovable, created from their income will be investigated. . For this, the consolidation of the special units set up against organized crime will continue as a priority, the access of the State Police to the databases of state institutions will be increased and the cooperation and inter-institutional action will be extended. Intelligence-led crime fighting and conducting proactive investigations will be the main approach in this endeavour.The main destination of the confiscated and seized assets will be the return to the community – their rapid transition for social purposes and public interests, while their administration and the way of operation will be improved until the release of final decisions about them.
The structures responsible for security and public order willintensify cooperation with the community,in the interest of better assessing risks and taking proactive actions. The agenda of the Local Public Safety Councils and improved communication with the public will be important factors that will guide the activity of the PSH. Full control of the territory, protection of the environment and forests will be guaranteed through the joint actions of the State Police and the IKMT.
To realize the free cross-border movement of citizens and goods, the focus will be on increasing border security by standardizing the construction and operation of Border Crossing Points (PKK ) based on EU standards and increasing the detection force against cross-border crime. This objective will be served by the reorganization of the Border and Migration Department, the implementation of the IPA project for the modernization of land and sea border control, as well as the construction of common border points with neighboring countries. For an efficient management of the phenomenon of migration and asylum, accelerated procedures will be applied at the border, it is intended to raise reception capacities in its vicinity and work will be done to sign readmission agreements with the countries of origin.
In the interest of the Decentralization Agenda and the consolidation of Local Self-Government Units, the legal harmonization of delegated functions, the standardization of their activity, and the modernization of services will continue provided at the local level. The above measures will also be accompanied by the intensification of dialogue and mutual accountability between the central and local governments through the Central Government – Local Self-Government Consultative Council. Coordination and support of the work of the District Prefect will continue with priority.
During 2021, reforms for strengthening institutions, increasing capacities and improving their management will continue. The implementation of the newly approved structures for a number of institutions, including the apparatus of the Ministry of the Interior, the structural reorganization of the State Police, the transformation of the Security Academy, the Institute of Scientific Police and the SHCA, as well as the completion of the legal, by-law and normative framework will are among the main measures that support the above reform processes.
Improving services to the public will be enabled by increasing the number of online services and expanding their spectrum, computerization of public procurement processes, consolidation of the capacities of Ministry of Education in recently created stations, but also in a wider area. The target level of these services will be enabled by building the appropriate digital infrastructure, functional operating procedures and standardization of the organization and operation of the institutions.
The Ministry of the Interior plays a leading role in the national process of European integration. In the capacity of the leading institution for the Chapter 24 negotiation, now with the approval of the new enlargement methodology by the member countries, our institution, in addition to the coordinating role with institutions of the central government and the judiciary, also carries the main weight of the coordination of policies and the adoption of legal and sub-legal acts in accordance and in full harmony with EU standards, mainly in the fight against organized crime and illegal migration. The approval of the negotiation framework for Chapter 24 and the fulfillment of the commitments undertaken in this framework will be decisive for the continuation of the entire process in its entirety, therefore this process will be considered a primary priority in the agenda of internal affairs for the year 2021.
The fulfillment of these priorities will be made possible through dedication and professionalism on the part of the employees and managers of the institutions, for whom we provide a working environment with stability, dignity and opportunities meritocratic career growth.